Ember was the star of LabsnDucks. She made every lesson that I tried to explain to my readers so easy for me. Consistent with everything she ever did, she was eager, responsive, hardworking, and never camera shy!
But as with all the dogs any of us bring into our lives, when you sign up for day one, you sign up for day last.
Ember lived a good long while for a working Lab. She nearly made it to fourteen. Yet no matter how long and how well-lived, that last trip to the vet is always gut-wrenching.
Any of us could compose a memorial for their hunting dog and beloved family pet. I’ve done my share. And we all get a tad emotional just hearing of such an event in someone else’s life. We can relate.
My family, friends, and certainly my hunting partners, got to know Ember in all her glory – playful one minute, all business the next. Those who have spent time on this website have also gotten to know Ember in ways that helped define her life. You can extrapolate from her video appearances how well she performed afield.
I imagine that when we all get to heaven we spend some time learning the lay of the land. I promise you Ember spent her orientation looking for birds.
So, while I hope to memorialize Ember with these few heartfelt words, and forever dedicate Labsnducks to her, I ask that you take a minute and honor Ember with a smile and a prayer. But even more than that, take this opportunity to reflect on your own dog(s) past or present, and how they enriched your life as Ember did mine.
My sweet girl, Ember.
Until we hunt again.
Well done my friend, Ember was a special lab, I’ll always remember the good times hunting with you and Ember especially the days I was top gun . I miss the sport more than you can imagine , but I will always have the memories. Willow has some tough shoes to fill. Who shot that duck?