Definitions You Should Know

In no particular order:


A drill to teach the basics of hand signals.

Blind Retrieve:

Guiding a dog to a downed bird that the dog did not see fall by using hand signals.

Bumper or Dummy:

Plastic, canvas, or new synthetic material items used to train the dog and act as the bird substitute.


Send the dog in a specific direction with a hand signal.


A device that emits controlled electric or vibration stimulus to make an instant command or correction.

Forced Fetch:

Teaching a dog through the use of controlled stimulus to pick up, hold, carry and deliver a bumper/bird until commanded to release it.


Using a whistle and hand signals to direct a dog to a bumper or bird he did not see fall.


The verbal command sending the dog left or right along with a hand signal.


The verbal command sending the dog straight back and away from you along with a hand signal.

Hard Mouth:

When a dog uses too much force to pick up and hold a bird, often mouthing it too excess.


Teaching a dog to take a straight line from the handler’s side to a downed bird or bumper with a hand direction.


For the dog, it means focus and watch.

  • Focus out front and watch for a bumper you are about to throw and then focus on it in the air to the point of the fall until sent, or…
  • Focus and watch the sky when incoming waterfowl approach and then focus on the point of the fall until sent.

For the trainer, hunter and his/her companions it means pay attention.

  • Watch where you throw or drop bumpers and remember where they lie.
  • Watch where a bird falls and remember the area of the fall.


When sent for a retrieve a dog stops and looks back at the handler for guidance without having been commanded to do so.


ProCoach is a LabsnDucks term. It is a professional trainer that you find and work with on an as needed basis to create a training program for you and your dog and/or to work with on specific skills.


When a dog sees a bird fall but stays at heel or in position until commanded to make the retrieve



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