A Mouthful on Training With Treats

I do not use treats while training or hunting as either incentive or reward. Many dogs, and certainly labs, have an incredible capacity to learn. Watch some non-hunting trainers teach dogs and it’s amazing what they get those dogs to do. Many (show dog professionals for example) use constant treats as stimulus. I have no criticism of them because training with treats is very widespread and for them it works.

Some folks use treats to train their gun dog. I do not.

To a gun dog, the next retrieve is the reward. And for a good Lab, that is more than enough incentive. Add the joy that the dog feels by having just pleased you, and you have enough. Quite enough.

At the moment your lab comes charging back with a bumper in his mouth, carrying it high, proud as can be and wagging his tail with excitement, ask yourself, “Does he want a dog cookie right now, or another retrieve?”

Sure the dog will quickly eat the treat (although you’d be surprised that some will not, further proving my point) but the cookie is more of a distraction from just wanting to retrieve again.

That’s not to say I don’t share my ham sandwich or peanut butter crackers while in the duck blind, but never as a reward or incentive.

Keep your lab hungry for retrieves; not treats.


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