The ProCoach Concept
A ProCoach is a cost effective way of getting ‘hands-on-do-it-together’ professional advice and training. In short lessons the pro will demonstrate with your dog how to achieve certain results.
I describe LabsnDucks as a mostly-do-it-yourself training website for duck dogs. The operative word here is ‘mostly.’ In your quest to answer the question, “How good is good enough?” I urge you to include a professional at some level. To me, the best compromise is finding a local ProCoach.
A ProCoach is a cost effective way of getting ‘hands-on-do-it-together’ professional advice and training. In short lessons the pro will demonstrate with your dog how to achieve certain results.
Drave Trahan is my ProCoach and is one of the most sought after hunting and field trial dog trainers in New England. His one-on-one approach to working with you and your retriever will enhance your training and hunting experience.