How to…

The focus of the How To category of LabsnDucks is on the search for a new puppy or started dog. How deeply you get into your search is up to you. But keep in mind that most professional dog people will advise you that starting with a strong foundation is the best way to build a solid gun dog. It’s hard to argue with that.

Puppy Considerations

A lab is a lab is a lab. Maybe, maybe not. If you already satisfied your list of prerequisites and found your breeder, then a lab is a lab from that breeder. But determine what you want in your lab very early in the process because choosing your next dog is a long term decision.

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How To Find Your Puppy

You can find yourself a random litter of labs, put on a blindfold, reach down, and pick up what will become your new puppy. Or, you can open your eyes to the exciting adventure of finding your new hunting partner and giving yourself the best chance for success.

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How To Find A Breeder

You can make a breeder search a very quick process or you can get into it and give yourself the best chance for success. This is another appropriate time to ask yourself the main question in the LabsnDucks Theorem, “How good is good enough?”

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How To Find Your Started Dog

A started dog is not the best choice for everyone. Then again, neither is a puppy. A started dog for the right reasons could fast track your training and duck hunting journey. Do your research and understand what you can expect from a started dog.

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